“Brighton Bowling Club was first established in 1881 as the Brighton Bowling and Tennis Club in Male Street Brighton. In the early 2000’s members decided to sell this facility and move to Dendy Park where it currently is located today. With the money from this sale and several generous contributions from members, the Brighton Bowling Club was built, and a multi-million-dollar facility was created, the first of its kind in Australia. An indoor stadium was constructed with 12 bowling rinks separated by a retail store. An outdoor grass green was located on the Nepean Highway end of the facility and a state-of-the-art Club House equipped with commercial kitchens and fully functional bar with 12 beer taps.
Over the last two decades, the Club has seen success both off and on the green in Melbourne Metropolitan Premier Division and some of the world’s best bowlers have represented the Brighton Bowling Club affectionately known as the “yachts”.
We developed a partnership with the Dendy Park Bridge Club, with Bridge being played almost every day in our clubhouse.
The Retail Space was owned by both the club and more recently independently under the banner of Resting Toucher which was a reputable supplier of bowling equipment and apparel for the last two decades.
As the indoor facility thrived, it was decided the outdoor grass green would be changed into multi-purpose sports courts and an agreement was reached with Star Sports Academy to occupy this space.
Finally, the Park View Cafe became a place for the community to meet and enjoy fresh, homemade meals daily and was the final piece of the puzzle in the Brighton Bowling Club precinct.
In 2023, the Club, under the direction of Chairman Kevin Pattison created a 5-year strategic plan which will ensure the long-term success of this great Club and celebrate its rich history. Our relationship with Star Sports Academy continues and the Victorian Bridge Association have replaced the Dendy Park Bridge Club as occupants of the newly renovated Bridge space.
We welcome you to our Club website and invite you to join us virtually on a journey revisiting the story of our history, the happenings of our present and take a sneak peek into our exciting future.
The Brighton Bowling and Sporting Clubs Inc. is proud to present our sub-brands of:
- The Park View Cafe
- The Bowls Shop
- Feast By the Bay Catering
- BeBOwLeD Coaching Academy
- Blue Devils Bowling Team
With the support of our major sponsors, La Trobe Financial and Mountain Goat Brewery, Brighton Bowling and Sporting Clubs Inc. is committed to being the community club of choice in the Bayside area.
So contact us NOW and find out how you can utilise the outstanding facilities of our Club. For more details click here
#enterastrangerleaveafriend #beBOwLeD!”
Warm Regards,
Lloyd Iaccarino
General Manager